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Paestum A company of men has set up its office between the columns (Doric) of an ancient Greek temple of Neptune;

Area geografica:

Luogo delle riprese:
Tempio di Nettuno (Paestum Neptune Temple);

WARII, Avalanche, 111-SC-181588 At desk, front to rear: Sgts. James Shellman, Gilbert A. Terry, John W. Phoenix, Curtis A. Richardson, and Leslie B. Wood. In front of desk, front to rear: T/Sgt. Gordon A. Scott, M/Sgt. Walter C. Jackson, Sgt. David D. Jones, and WO Carlyle M. Tucker. Italy.;

22 settembre 1943;

Specifiche tecniche:
positivo, singola foto
Caratteristiche: fonte,_built_about_7_-_NARA_-_531170.jpg;

[xDams O.S. - ID scheda: IT-xDams-xDamsLabs-FT0001-000153
In: Archivio Fotografico Battipaglia - tipo scheda: item]